Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Reading Evidence Term 3

Walt : locate relevant information in order to infer ideas and information that is not directly stated in the text “Porridge”. 

I was able to look for clues related to the question and the story.

I did not find anything that tricky.

 Next time I will add more detail to my answers.


Anonymous said...

Well done Annika your have used some good inferencing skills. Remember when the question asks for you to "write down the words ..." you must quote the word that are directly stated in the text to support your answer.

Please make sure your evidence fits into your blog area eg. make your evidence smaller please and in your values presentation too.


Anonymous said...

I liked the way you used punctuation in your answers.
The second thing I liked is were able to find ideas not from the text.
Something you can work on is giving more information to your answers